How It Works

Leverage Your Unused Inventory By Creating Multiple Marketing Opportunities.


We offer high visibility media packages that include in-flight video, national and local television spots, digital campaigns, print, radio and outdoor advertisement.

We customize a media package based on your needs and budget. We produce videos, print, online banners/ video, radio and outdoor ads, all based on your specific requirements.

In lieu of cash, we will trade your services, products, excess inventory or other assets in exchange for producing and placing your media campaigns. We also welcome cash deals, cash/trade andBitcoin/Ethereum/cryptocurrency as forms of payment.


JMR Media has a full production studio based in Los Angeles. Our production team has over 20 years of experience. We create custom content for both short and long form video. Our team will take your project from concept to completion, pre-production, post to placement. Using your visual assets from b-roll, photos or graphics which includes scripting, editing, voiceover and music. We will deliver a high quality video for you to keep and use for your own marketing efforts, social media, website and more.


Let us know if you need for our talented crew to come to you. With contacts across North America and Europe, we can schedule a local interview or do a full day shoot to film at your location.

Clients pre-produced videos and commercial spots are available options for placement.